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bratislava - slovensko
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bratislava - slovensko
Joost van den Broek (Nederland)
"Sailors. Kiril Lewerski, aged 16, a cadet on the Russian ship Kruzenshtern. The traditionally rigged, four-masted bark was built in 1926, the second largest tall ship still in operation."
pavia - mora
"Using a pinhole camera made from a beer can and photographic paper, the staff at the Philippus Lansbergen Observatory in Middelburg, Netherlands, captured the path of the sun across the sky for six months starting in December. The resulting image, with contrast altered by the lab in Photoshop, shows the sun’s progressively higher route as the summer solstice approached."
(Philippus Lansbergen Observatory/National News/Zuma Press)
sambade - alfândega da fé
riga - latvija
"A Dinka man stands in front of his house in Akkach, South Dudan. The Dinka, the largest ethnic group in region, are an agro-pastoral people who migrate according to season. At the onset of the rainy season in May or June, they move to settlements of huts built from mud and thatch above the flood level, where they plant crops. During the dry months, beginning around December, they leave for better grazing grounds in the lowlands, living in semi-permanent shelters. Between 1983 and 2005, the people of South Sudan were embroiled in a bitter civil war the largely Muslim government in the north, which cost some 1, 5 million lives. In January of 2011, a referendum among southerners, promised as part of a peace deal, resulted in a nearly unanimous vote for independence."