La casa de la familia Aaronsohn en Zikhron Ya’aqov, cerca de Haifa, 1949 y 2010. Esta familia formó el núcleo de Nili, una organización clandestina que colaboró con los británicos en la lucha contra los turcos en Palestina durante la primera guerra mundial. Fotografías de archivo colocadas sobre su telón de fondo actual en Israel. El fotógrafo apoya su brazo en el trípode para evitar el movimiento al yuxtaponer las imágenes.
About: Israeli photographer Amit Sha'al was born in 1974 and works as staff photographer on the daily business newspaper Calcalist. He also works as an independent photographer on long and short term documentary projects. Sha'al's photographs have been featured in major magazines and newspapers in Israel. His awards include a Series of the Year in Israel's premier press-photo contest, Local Testimony. Sha'al has had solo exhibitions in Israel and Ireland and has participated in numerous group exhibitions. He is based in Tel Aviv.